Friday, November 13, 2009

FYI Child Safety

Dear Parents, We are constantly reminding students how to stay safe on the buses to and from school as well as practising positive and safe behaviour at school. One way to extend child safety is to review your safety precautions at home with your children, escpecially when answering the phone or the door to strangers. Thank you for your continued support.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

Hello to all, This note is a reminder that we are holding Parent/Teacher interviews the evening of November 19th from 4-7 pm and on November 20th from 8:30-10:30 am. Teachers will be sharing your child's progress to date with you. You child(ren) are invited to participate in the interviews.
Our Book Fair will also be taking place at the school during these interview times.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November Newsletter Out

Please check with your child, Gosfield North's Monthly newsletter. We are still looking for volunteers for our Kiss n' Ride program. A reminder that our next School Council meeting is Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:30 pm in the library. Mrs. Romualdi will be demonstrating the use of the guided reading table and Mrs. Mackay has offered to demonstrate the 'Smart Board.' Everyone is welcome to attend.